Mole: Gene Keys 8 – The Life Key of Tactile Sensitivity

Mole: Gene Keys 8 – The Life Key of Tactile Sensitivity


Medium: Watercolor and colored pencil on black paper
Copyright ©️ 2024 Paul J Morehead, all rights reserved

Mole: Gene Key 8: Gift of Style. "The 8th gift of style is more than skin deep. It is the cutting edge of creation itself. True style takes great joy in shattering the world of mediocrity that is considered the norm." – Gene Keys 8, Richard Rudd

Mole is adapted to the underground. Mole shows us how to dig up treasures in life by our efforts. In shamanism, they are guides to the Underworld. Moles front feet are broad and act as shovels to dig its tunnels, where it spends most of its life. With mole as messenger or totem, there is an ability to dig deeper, to uncover what lies hidden from view.

Mole's skin has more organs for touch than any animal. A sense of touch is or will become heightened for those working with mole energy. Two responses are possible from this sensitivity; either pleasure will increase, or you will become standoffish/aloof because of the increased sensitivity.

Psychic touch is a major part of Mole totem energy, and should be relied upon even more than hearing or seeing. Trust what is felt, no matter how strange the sensation, may become important.

Moles dig ventilation pockets for fresh air. With mole as totem, plenty of fresh air is critical. Moles diet is primarily earthworms, one of the great natural treasures of fertile soil. Mole reminds us to seek out treasures of fertile soil in areas of our life to nourish us.

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