Medium: Gouache, Artwork Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved Paul J Morehead
Ganesh. Hindu elephant God of removing obstacles of material and spiritual aspects of life. Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha~
Second son of Lord Shiva and Parvati, brother of Muruga, Ganesh is revered across India by Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and many more.
Ganesha is God of plenty, wisdom, learning, good fortune, peace and spiritual success. He is also considered patron of letters and of academic learning. One story goes that Ganesh was commissioned to scribe a stream-of-consciousness-epic tale (the Mahabharata) by Veda Vyasa because no human on earth could keep up with the length of his dictation.
In true mythological fashion, Ganesh made a condition for his participation. It was that there could be no stopping in the narration of the story, or he would leave. Vyasa consented, but made a counter offer, that Ganesh had to understand each word completely before writing anything down.
Vyasa would speak in extremely dense, complex language for Ganesha to pause and ponder deeply before writing them on palm-leaf pages. These pauses allowed Vyasa to draw breath and compose more verses in his head to stay ahead of Ganesh.
Pleased by our prayers, He removes all obstacles in the path of any work we undertake. In most Hindu ceremonies called Pujas it is common to begin with a prayer to Ganesh's before the main ceremony. The elephant's trunk resembles the curve of the OM symbol. Therefore he is also called Vighna Vinayaka , Pranava Swaroopi (Pranava – OM, Swaroop – Truth, Lover of Beauty.)
गजाननं भूतगणादि सेवितं
कपित्थजम्बूफलसार भक्षितम् ।
उमासुतं शोकविनाशकारणं
नमामि विघ्नेश्वर पादपङ्कजम् ॥
- Gaja-[A]ananam Bhuuta-Ganna-[A]adi Sevitam
- Kapittha-Jambuu-Phala-Saara Bhakssitam |
- Umaa-Sutam Shoka Vinaasha-Kaarannam
- Namaami Vighne[a-I]shvara Paada-Pangkajam ||
(I Reverentially Salute the Lotus-Feet of Sri Vigneshwara)
- One Who is having the Face of an Elephant, One Who is Served by the Bhutaganas (Celestial Attendants) and Others,
- By Whom is Partaken the Juice of Kapittha (Wood-Apple) (Kapittha) and Jambu (Rose-Apple) (Jambu) Fruits (Offered by the Devotees);
- Who is the Son of Devi Uma (Devi Parvati), And the Cause of the Destruction of Sorrows,
- I Bow in Reverential Salution at the Lotus-Feet of that Vighneshwara (the Lord Who removes the Obstacles).