Wolf: Gene Key 12 – Life Key of Shadow Transformation

Wolf: Gene Key 12 – Life Key of Shadow Transformation


Wolf is connected to the 12th dream arc life key of Shadow Transformation.

Medium: Watercolor and colored pencil on black paper
Copyright ©️ 2024 Paul J Morehead, all rights reserved

Wolf represents deep faith and profound understanding of the highest nature of the intellect. Wolf emphasizes recognizing how your raw emotions can threaten your balance, or the balance of those around you.

Wolf may appear to remind you about how to live more freely, and bring more passion to your everyday, or recommitment, protection and devotion to your family, and finding self control with personal power.

Wolf looks to balance cycles of transformation (i.e. lunar cycles), and understand that by truly learning to trust yourself, you will attract those who can be trusted.

Wolf is represented by the 12th Life Key of discrimination. "If you have the 12th gene key in your Hologenetic profile, your gift is to communicate the feelings to others, and recognize the beauty of true expression, which means you will also recognize anything that isn't expressing true soul. 

Discrimination is about being tuned to a higher frequency, which means it can metaphorically see through walls." – Richard Rudd, Gene Keys 

These endangered pups were once on the brink of extinction, mostly by hunters and cars. Now again being threatened by humans. Check sierra club and what they’re doing for animal rights. Let’s rise up and support our animal brethren!



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