Medium: Watercolor and colored pencil on black paper
Copyright ©️ 2024 Paul J Morehead, all rights reserved
Fox symbolizes cleverness, independence, playfulness, beauty, protection and good luck.
Because of their perseverance, and patience, fox reflects to us how to find solutions in every challenge, the gold in every shadow and swiftly navigating through obstacles. Fox is all about quick thinking, responsiveness, and a cunning that brings out our best discernment.
Fox may be reminding you to sharpen your power of deduction, observation ability, physical reflexes, or how to be independent in your decisions. Fox could appear when you may be led to do what all logic points against, so time to discriminate and choose wisely. Call on Fox when you need help finding your way.
Fox is connected to the 26th Gene Key Gift of Artfulness. "When the 26th gift is activated, your thymus gland engages at a higher level and curious things occur.
Through the Gift of Artfulness, your ego becomes an art form. You then instinctively begin to speak the exact language of the person before you. Which allows you to manipulate your ego, like a costume you put on for a show, rather than being consumed by it's need to feed off success, recognition or dominance." – Richard Rudd, The Gene Keys
"To work with fox, you are invited to contemplate those things and people you find offensive and abhorrent. Look deep within them. Peel back the illusion of the ugly and you will see the puer aeternis – the immortal innocent child – hidden within. Learn to look at the world in this way. Leave nothing or no one untouched. Anywhere you see negativity, look deeper until you find the spirit and higher purpose, until you realise that is YOU." – Richard Rudd, The Dream Arc