Dolphin: Gene Key 27 – The Life Key of Communal Altruism

Dolphin: Gene Key 27 – The Life Key of Communal Altruism

Medium: Watercolor and colored pencil on black paper
Copyright ©️ 2024 Paul J Morehead, all rights reserved

Dolphin are highly intelligent mammals that are in tune with their instincts. Dolphin are connected to balance, contentment, curiosity, friendship, generosity, grace, harmony, language, newness, power, play, rhythm, sexuality, and transcendence.

Dolphins are symbols of protection and resurrection, and their gentle, playful nature reminds us to approach life with lightness and joy. For we are capable of great contrasts, and always seeking harmony inside, we call upon Dolphin for their inner strength, and cooperative capacity.

Dolphins have been known to save drowning people, and even chase away or even fight sharks when in danger. Dolphin people may discover themselves on the verge of a spiritual rebirth, or have just undergone one. Dolphin are social creatures, working to protect and feed injured, and demonstrate a level of cooperation that most humans haven't achieved.

Dolphin reminds us to work and serve from love, without sacrificing our core needs. Dolphin also symbolize a multidimensional wisdom, and guardianship. Dolphin communicate through subtle levels of vibrational connection, in a language all their own.

Dolphin is related to the 27th Gene Keys Gift of Altruism. "The invisible psychic force that unites these creatures is the pod mind – which monitors the safety of the pod as a whole. It functions through each individual dolphin but is instantly communicated to all members of the pod." – Richard Rudd, Gene Keys

"Use our dolphin freedom to open up your heart and imagination to what is possible. This will be our healing journey together. What you dream now can actually happen. Then adapt your daily life gently towards this new vision. We are keepers of Gaia, you humans and we dolphins. We are partners. As we hold the high frequencies in the oceans, you anchor them onto the land, into the earth, into your relationships, communities and societies." – Richard Rudd, The Dream Arc

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